Sunday, October 6, 2013

On the Job: Don’t take blame for others’ mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, but it's often difficult to own up to them at work.

We may fear getting in trouble with the boss, or we may worry that confessing will hurt our reputation or career permanently.

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When people make mistakes, the biggest problem is often fear that causes them to try to cover it up, says Daryl Pigat, a branch manager with Robert Half International in New York.

"You have to own it. If you don't admit it, it's going to come back to haunt you," he says. "Take responsibility, say what you've learned from it, be willing to move on and don't harp on it for six months."

What if the mistake wasn't really your fault, but you get the blame?

According to a recent OfficeTeam survey, managers can get caught in this situation.

Thirty percent senior managers say they've accepted blame at work for something that wasn't their fault, according to the survey, based on telephone interviews with more than 1,000 senior managers at companies with 20 or more employees. Why? Some 34% report they felt indirectly responsible for the problem; 28% said they didn't want to get someone else in trouble.

Don't let a boss or co-worker blame you when you didn't make the mistake.(Photo:, Getty Images)

While the attitude of taking one for the team may be admirable, Pigat says such a strategy can undermine your career if you're constantly shouldering the blame for mistakes.

"You don't want to become the scapegoat," he says. "You have to walk a fine line because you do need to worry about yourself. While it may be easier to diffuse a situation by accepting blame and moving on, you don't want to be a ! lackey."

For some workers, it's not easy to avoid becoming scapegoats when the boss constantly blames errors on them.

In that case, document what's really happening and show how you were not responsible for the error, Pigat says. If the situation doesn't improve, it may mean you have to talk to the boss privately about his penchant for heaping unwarranted blame on your shoulders.

When confronting a boss on difficult issues, some basic rules apply, says Renee Evenson, author of "Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People." She has this advice:

• Stay calm. Focus on the facts and offer a positive solution.

Don't approach your boss unless you believe you can maintain your confidence and stay assertive. No matter the situation or what the boss says, you must remain respectful. Never badmouth the boss or the organization.

• Offer examples. This is where documentation can come in handy because it will help you stick to the facts.

• Use "I" statements. When talking to the boss, use phrases such as "the situation makes me uncomfortable" or "this issue matters to me."

• Define the problem. State clearly what you see as the issue.

• Offer a solution. Say it something like, "I'd prefer that if you believe I made a mistake that you ask me about it before blaming me in front of others."

• Agree on a resolution. Thank the boss for her attention to the matter and offer reconciliation by noting you'll focus more on key issues that seem to concern her.

Dealing with a colleague who likes to blame others may be easier, Pigat says, since it can be done over a friendly get-together after work. This can be especially effective if this co-worker also has blamed others unfairly.

"You can use documentation in these cases to also back up your point, but you can often just let the person know that you're aware of what he's doing and so are others," Pigat says. "Often these people think they're being really crafty, and you just need to let ! them know! you're onto them."

Anita Bruzzese is author of 45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy ... and How to Avoid Them, Twitter: @AnitaBruzzese.

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