Americans have a profound misunderstanding of the nature of public debt, says Frank Newman, former CEO of Bankers Trust and CFO of Bank of America. Not only is the public debt never going to be paid off no matter what politicians cut from the federal budget, deficits do not necessarily mean greater tax burdens for future generations.
Newman spent 30 years in the public and private banking sectors. Not only did he work at the Treasury Department under Bill Clinton, he is the only American to ever run a Chinese bank�in China. Newman was CEO of the privately held Shenzhen Development Bank from 2005 to 2010. I spoke with him on Dec. 1 about his new book, �Six Myths That Hold Back America�, released this month by Diversion Books.
Myth No. 1: China is bankrolling the U.S.
�Nearly all of our public debt is held by U.S. banks and by the American public. China holds around 10% of it and believe me they don�t think they are doing us any favors by investing in Treasury bonds. Yet you read in the paper that you have to treat China with deference because they are such important holders of U.S. debt. How did China become the owner of so much U.S. debt? It�s because Walmart bought a few hundred million dollars of things from China and had to pay them for it. So Walmart calls JP Morgan and puts those dollars in a China bank account run by JP Morgan in New York. That money then gets invested in Treasury bonds. The money didn�t disappear and go to China. The money is still in the U.S. economy. Foreigners own about $23 trillion of American assets, but Americans own about $20 trillion of foreign assets. If foreigners buy U.S. Treasurys, that is fine for the U.S. financial system as a whole. Regardless of the size of our trade deficit, which is a separate debate, it is still a myth that Asian countries are bankrolling the U.S. and that we need China to lend us money to pay for our government�s obligations. Countries that sell more goods and services to the U.S. than they buy from the U.S. end up with trade surpluses in dollars which must be held in dollar assets. These countries can only do three things with those dollars: buy U.S. goods, buy U.S. assets like government bonds, or exchange those dollars for another currency.�
Myth No. 2: Treasurys crowd-out private financing
�If you are I have $10,000 to buy bonds and we decide to invest it all in government savings bonds instead of in corporate debt, then in that case there is less money for the other asset class. But in the financial system, if Goldman Sachs buys Treasury bonds, the Treasury distributes that money to other markets � money markets mutual funds, for example � or another investment. If we invest, the money is gone for us, but if the government issues more debt to finance its budget deficit, the funds available for the private sector are not reduced by comparison. The Treasury cannot increase or decrease the funds available in the economy for private investment.�
Myth No. 3: Saving more means economy will grow faster
�No nation can save its way out of a weak economy. If I save by spending less per week on coffee at Starbucks, then that employee at that particular Starbucks has less customers to attend to, which possibly means less hours worked, which means less money for that employee to spend. So I�m not spending anymore, and now neither is that Starbucks barista because his hours have been reduced. He might even lose his job. Investment has to come first and that will lead to savings. Unless someone spends more on something � whether its consumers, corporate investment, the government, or a healthy blend of all three � then GDP will not increase. Reducing spending and investment in order to save for a rainy day means the GDP will stagnate at best.�
Myth No. 4: Government saving leads to long-term investments
�We are told that if the government had more tax revenues than expenses � a surplus � then that government savings would add to the national savings and investment. Suppose the U.S. budget was balanced because of a tax hike of $100 billion. Now the government is saving money, has a surplus, and no one can complain about deficits. But what happened? The government took money from people and corporation and used it to pay off Treasury debt. The government takes the tax receipts and returns it to the public by paying off the principal on Treasury loans. The public uses that money to but back into private sector financial assets. This results ina net change of zero in private sector cash and a net effect of zero on national savings. Let�s assume there was no tax increase but the deficit through cutbacks is reduced and there is now a surplus of $100 billion. Some people who previously received that $100 billion in terms of employment and retirement benefits, or in a government contract, are no longer getting it. Aggregate disposable income declines by $100 billion, and personal savings therefore declines by $100 billion, which would lead to less consumption. Getting the government to save more instead of spending more does not directly increase personal savings and investment.�
Myth No. 5: Deficits create tax burdens for future generations
�President Bill Clinton was able to balance the budget for a short period of time in the early 90s because of a booming economy and a tax increase. That surplus didn�t last. They are not permanent, nor do they have to be. Nearly 20 years after that surplus has been erased to record deficits, taxes are lower than ever. This myth states that deficits are great burdens of repayment for our children because there are more Treasury bonds outstanding that need to be paid off. That would only be the case if you assumed that all of that debt had to be paid off by a certain date. It does not have to be paid off by a certain date. It just gets rolled over. The U.S. has had Treasury debt outstanding since 1791 and has never paid down the total outstanding. It�s paid off bonds with maturity dates that required them to be paid, but it has often done so by just issuing new debt to pay off principal on outstanding debt reaching maturity. Issuance of Treasury bonds this year to support a larger deficit this year in an economy of high unemployment will not cause greater tax burdens for the future.�
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